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thermotron national service manager– memory resets – Elaine Johnson | LinkedIn

thermotron national service manager– memory resets – Elaine Johnson | LinkedIn

ok sure


just because you work at thermotron– and can Bully- all your co workers–

the list is Bob wily– thomas patterson– thomas Bannach roger Cannady and associates,Dave Waterfield– and finely the wheel turns–

ronald Wiley– who bragged he is a good liar like his daddy

From thermotron –2- self-employment–Roger Cannady & Associates can design

(is this a face u-can-trust?)

When Roger Cannady was the National Service manager at thermotron

Roger was Fired.. for not fulfilling Daniel J.’s (No) O’Keefe’s expectations

Thomas Bannach bragged roger let-him-do-his thing!!

Innovation in Education is what we create.

WHEN ROGER was “Thermotron “National service manager..”

he didn’t know how to COMMUNICATE with his co-workers, or Associates..

JUst tell him what he want’s -2-hear…YY—EE–SS…yes sir

The aver age robbery thief and embezzlement under roger cannady– was 10,000 to 20,00 per year with thmas bannach– hil sybesma, dean tripp, and Gregory v johnson,

but it increased after thoma bannach harrased and drumed out — Bo Bjarno–the sales man, and they drumed out Bo Bjarno– for exposing the fact that Gregory v Johnson was falsifying all his job reports–and the fact that Bo Bjarno — was a drunk– but —

so what — that’s thermotron Human resources personal selection– with people like Tamera Kennedy


Elaine Johnson | LinkedIn

Holland, Michigan – ‎–Human Resource Manager

Human Resource Manager. Thermotron Industries. Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Machinery industry. October 1983 – Present (30 years 5 months) ..

(when Elaine Johnson was informed about the problems– on the west coast — nothing was done) eacept as Thoma Patterson said “when you expose” the liars and embezzlers– well then they attack you!!)

yes Gregory V Johnso was now working for cold well banker  realestate and Thomas bannach refused to do any thing about it–

because that was his pet false wittness– and personal thief and embezzler–

and Gregory V johnson only lasted a few months at ENSECO chamber manufactor

when the owner Randy Bunn– fired him– they had to go to his house on the weekend — to find him-

Yes he spent 3 years at thermotron — robbing customers and embezzling– thanks to Elaine Johnson–

thermotron VP and people like Tamera Kennedy

and of course Roger cannady and associates–

Roger Cannady & Associates can design, develop and produce e-learning and other training to exceed your expectations.

just ask all the co workers he drumed out and defrauded–

The customers on the west coast said — Gee you can tell that Roger cannady — has a military management background– becasue he Gets –FIRED — From Thermotron– and then 6 months later– he knocks on our door– and says– let’s be friends and business partners–


“this is after 3 years — of lying and smilling in ourface and defrauding us” he must think


we are stupid–  like thomas Bannach

in Education is what we create. Roger Cannady & Associates can
design, develop and produce e-learning and other training to exceed your

ask LITTON IND. or many others that roger worked with..

the companies in California said.. “roger lies to us”. and then six
months later he thinks it all “OK” now.. it’s that military attitude..
he gets fired from thermotron and then presents himself as a

“New man with his Own company Roger Cannady & Associates”..

golly–lee-Geee— can’t we ALL just get-a-long–???

BUTTTT the liars and thieves at thermotron “really liked him..

Gregory V Johnson bragged that “you are supposted to tell him what ever he wants to hear..

and it dosen’t matter if it is “True of Not !!!”

Thermotron dean Tripp management training

dean tripp thermotron has been employee

dean tripp thermotron has been employee

Thomas Bannach would send dean tripp to lie to his co workers and tray to gt close to them– so to build a case against them


He and Gregory V Johnson — defrauded all their co workers– becasue at thermotron it don not matter what lies you say about anyone– so lon as you get away with it– and Roger Cannady and associates — were in on this leader ship and mentoring management training



Thermotron former employee –In November, he became Espec’s newest employee.

Thermotron—Dean tRipp — said thomas Bannach was a liar and a thief and a embezzler– when he worked for him–

Dean tRipp — said thomas Bannach was a liar and a thief and a embezzler– when he worked for him–

Monday, September

Sociopath indicators– Thermotron sales, management , and service training

yes –
at thermotron it’s “REQUIRED” to prove you are a sociopath

california former employee


This management team not only kept the employees uninformed, and misinformed, but they kept each other misinformed,

just tell me the good things happening (or the potential dirt on the underlings) I don’t want to hear about problems.

The alcoholic salesman once painted a story that dramatized this distortion.

If for instance a salesman was with as customer and jumped into their lap, kissed them on the lips shit all over themselves and the customer.

By the time the story was filtered to the president it could likely be changed to “

Well the salesman had some Mexican food for lunch and it gave him gas; when he was with the customer he farted a couple times.

It was necessary to learn the skill of

1…”memo documentation”
( at one point this  escalated to something akin to memo wars)
this manager became a habitual liar and denied anything and everything; it became
necessary to document events to anticipate his lack of support in the effort minimize future problems.

As stat ed above it became necessary to write memo’s to document any type of problem.

This manager who was in a different office instead of keeping (remote) employees better informed, covertly told his (cronies) accomplice’s to let him know if a memo’s were being sent. Of course !!

Ah yes, your humble narrator went out to California on a Pilgrimage. Searching for holy cities,
magicians, wild women, and new flavors of the “Wow “Vibes.
California, the Golden State.

At the time, it sort of seemed like an omen. Intuition told me that I would find ” Truth “
in California.

Nobody dies of old age there. Everyone dies prematurely on the highways, and you never know when,

Any minute of any hour some brake lights could blink, tires squeal, and the semi on your rear bumper flattens you into a gruesome road-kill in two seconds flat. It could happen tonight. You live like a hunted beast.


Everyone has their day to die on the thruway bleeding, you get your own honorary traffic jam as gawkers creep by admiring your splashed guts. And the traffic jam blocks the ambulance two miles back.

Everyone is famous for

a half an hour.

It’s like a bizarre pagan sacrifice to the Goddess of Asphalt.

No one escapes the hot black alter!

My dashboard was a good luck temple …. four inches deep in St. Christopher statues, rabbit’s feet, four leaf clovers, spirit whistles, eagle feathers, glass pyramids, magic crystals, satchels of voodoo herbs, and photos of Jesus Christ, Budda, Confucius, and Ollie North.

YOU NEED more than AAA.

California the land of promise.
As i drove along those roads I saw it for what it was …….


” Pou-Fu Loves Sally ”

“Iluminado + Sally ”

” Abdulla Owns Sally “

The thugs hang out every where.

Nubile wenches. Boom boxes, Budweiser,

and Zig-Zag bomers. Litter everywhere..

Yes, the couple years I spent in California……thinking that this was ” IT ” was as much fun as an
…………incurable case of

jumbo Ho Chi Mihn crab lice.

Did I find the Truth??

Boy, did I !!!

I cruised right by

the bright red signs.


All caution to the wind.

The Management method employed was to

1…erode the employees confidence in their work;

2…find some petty reason or fault, real or imaginary,

3… create situations where the employee may have to lie.

4…Put them under pressure so they would fail

5.. then management could supposedly


6…This provided justification for the employee to LIE FOR The Manager;

This effort was to keep the employees:

7…confused and there for under control,

8…and with the group lying for the Manager “it was a Good day 4 him

How to spot a Thermotron– PSYCHOPATH– management training

– well thermotron

training is how to be a psychopath– Greogoy V Johnson  was the pet of thomas bannach– who bragged it was ok to defraud your co workers–
Hil sybesma– said he had the same moral character– and stealing was not bad– it was working the system

thermotron former employee

Monday, Mar 3, 2008
Posted on Sun, May. 27, 2007
A job lost and perspective gained MIKE DRUMMOND
Kevin Holt of Gastonia bears little likeness to the chiseled warriors depicted in Army posters.

He’s 41, heavyset and has a habit of pushing his eyeglasses to the bridge of his nose.

He’s a citizen-soldier.

The former sailor enlisted in the National Guard in July 2004 as a way to supplement his income and heed a call to service.

Last summer, between supervising a chow line at Camp Speicher outside Tikrit, Iraq, and running food convoys, Holt sat at dusty computer keyboards, hunting and pecking the answers to his online college course. He hoped a business degree would help him land a job.

Thermotron Industries, based in Holland, Mich., fired Holt in April 2005, near the height of the Bush administration’s call-up of National Guard members and just a week after Holt told the company he was being deployed to Iraq.

Holt serviced Thermotron’s environmental test chambers, which expose electronics and other devices to temperature extremes. He covered a patch of the Southeast for the privately held, mid-sized company, making about $54,000 a year.

Holt says Thermotron accused him of trying to bill the company for Yellow Pages advertising he had ordered for his side repair business. BellSouth had mailed the bill to Thermotron by mistake, an error

Holt said his boss had resolved more than eight months before.
The married father of two worked seven years for Thermotron, which has a growing defense-contract business. T

he termination was an about-face for a company that two months before firing him had given Holt another glowing annual evaluation.

Fellow soldiers in the National Guard’s 505th Engineer Battalion said they thought the timing of the firing looked fishy. They told him about the law designed to protect civilian jobs of part-time soldiers called to active duty.

Holt tried to get his job back. He filed complaints with state and federal labor departments. He thought his case was a slam-dunk.

Thermotron sent letters in its defense. It produced copies of the Yellow Pages bill it said proved Holt tried to deceive the company. The company denied that a supervisor had told Holt the billing mistake had been resolved.

Holt provided documents but couldn’t produce anything showing Thermotron fired him because his military service conflicted with the company’s need for a repairman in the Southeast.
Channels prove fruitless

Like thousands of service members, Holt’s journey through government channels proved futile.”They wanted documents,” Holt says of labor officials. “But I was getting ready to go to war.”

By November 2005, with Holt in Iraq, state and federal labor officials had sent letters to his house.
The agencies ruled Thermotron fired him “for cause.”

Richard Castillo, the U.S. Labor Department’s assistant director in Michigan, said Holt could request the agency refer the case to the Justice Department for possible litigation.

But Castillo would recommend “no further action be taken.”

Ronald Lampen, Thermotron’s vice president of service operations,

noted agencies ruled in the company’s favor. “Holt’s allegations are unfounded and untrue,” Lampen told the Observer in a phone call. He refused to answer further questions, then hung up.
A call to a job

Above Kevin Holt’s backyard workshop, a massive portrait of Jesus stands watch.

“Bad things will happen to you in life,” Holt says. “Ultimately, God is still on the throne. The sun came up this morning. The world will not end.”

Last October Holt returned home to hugs, red-white-and-blue bunting around the mailbox … and a job interview.

Espec North America had heard Holt was no longer with competitor Thermotron. After e-mailing Holt in Iraq, the company agreed to talk with him when he got back.

In November, he became Espec’s newest employee.

Going from civilian to soldier, from Gastonia to Tikrit and back, from unemployed to employed in a little over a year has imbued Holt with perspective.

“I grew up a lot during the experience,” he says. “I never lost a job before. Never experienced unemployment. I always feared facing that. But the calamity I thought was going to happen, didn’t happen.”

He enrolled in school again, this time to work on a master’s in theology through an online program.
“I feel called,” Holt says, “to serve as an Army chaplain.”

As a Guard member, Holt says he’s willing to return to Iraq or wherever his country needs him.
He also abides by the gospel of Luke, the passage that admonishes “Love your enemies,” and “pray for those who mistreat you.”